Kitchen with an Island
Short story, shortlisted for the Galley Beggar Press Short Story Prize, 2020-21
“Through the cedarwood door, and there’s no Otto Preminger, no Roman Polanski; no slinky-hipped, darting waiters; no school of girls who have grown out their hair like Jane Fonda. There’s just a smack of humidity, with a chlorine tang like a pool. A frontage of glass, burbled and yellowed, and a flat-faced girl behind it, feet bare on the desk, phone in the crook of her neck.
“‘Yes, sir, you can simply immerse yourself and you don’t even need a girl there, if that’s to your taste.’ She waggles her fingers at Gene.
“Lois has no reference for this place: it’s part doctor’s office, part YMCA, and the well-thumbed pamphlets in the plastic case on are very Chinese take-out. A clipboard rocks from a nail, with a ballpoint on a chain, as knotted up as the signatures. ‘Gene’s Sand Bar’ is mimeographed at the top.”
Read more and check out an interview with me about short stories.